Source code for

from collections import defaultdict
import logging

import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.dag import is_directed_acyclic_graph, topological_sort
from oldman.core.session.session import Session

from oldman.core.session.tracker import BasicResourceTracker
from import StoreResource

[docs]class CrossStoreSession(Session): @property def tracker(self): raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by a concrete implementation.")
[docs] def new(self, id, store, types=None, hashless_iri=None, collection_iri=None, is_new=True, former_types=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object **without saving it** in the `data_store`. The `kwargs` dict can contains regular attribute key-values that will be assigned to :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects. TODO: update this doc :param id: TODO: explain :param types: IRIs of RDFS classes the resource is instance of. Defaults to `None`. Note that these IRIs are used to find the models of the resource (see :func:`~oldman.resource.manager.ResourceManager.find_models_and_types` for more details). :param hashless_iri: hash-less IRI that MAY be considered when generating an IRI for the new resource. Defaults to `None`. Ignored if `id` is given. Must be `None` if `collection_iri` is given. :param collection_iri: IRI of the controller to which this resource belongs. This information is used to generate a new IRI if no `id` is given. The IRI generator may ignore it. Defaults to `None`. Must be `None` if `hashless_iri` is given. :return: A new :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by a concrete implementation.")
[docs] def load_from_graph(self, id, resource_graph, store): raise NotImplementedError("Should be implemented by a concrete implementation.")
[docs]class DefaultCrossStoreSession(CrossStoreSession): """TODO: explain because the name can be counter-intuitive """ def __init__(self, store_selector): self._store_selector = store_selector self._tracker = BasicResourceTracker() self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @property def tracker(self): return self._tracker
[docs] def flush(self, is_end_user=True): """TODO: re-implement it """ all_resources_to_update = self._sort_resources_to_update(self._tracker.modified_resources) all_resources_to_delete = self._tracker.resources_to_delete store_cluster = cluster_by_store_and_status(all_resources_to_update, all_resources_to_delete) all_updated_resources = [] all_deleted_resources = [] for store in self._sort_stores(all_resources_to_update, all_resources_to_delete): resources_to_update, resources_to_delete = store_cluster[store] updated_resources, deleted_resources = store.flush(resources_to_update, resources_to_delete, is_end_user) all_updated_resources.extend(updated_resources) all_deleted_resources.extend(deleted_resources) # TODO: improve this self._tracker.add_all(all_updated_resources) self._tracker.forget_resources_to_delete() return all_updated_resources, all_deleted_resources
[docs] def get(self, iri, types=None, eager_with_reversed_attributes=True): for store in self._store_selector.select_stores(iri=iri, types=types): store_resource = store.get(self, iri, types=types, eager_with_reversed_attributes=eager_with_reversed_attributes) if store_resource is not None: return store_resource return None
[docs] def new(self, id, store, types=None, is_new=True, former_types=None, **kwargs): resource = StoreResource(id, store.model_manager, store, self, types=types, is_new=is_new, former_types=former_types) self._tracker.add(resource) return resource
[docs] def load_from_graph(self, id, resource_graph, store): resource = StoreResource.load_from_graph(store.model_manager, store, self, id, resource_graph, is_new=False) self._tracker.add(resource) return resource
[docs] def delete(self, store_resource): """TODO: describe. Wait for the next flush() to remove the resource from the store. """ self._tracker.mark_to_delete(store_resource) store_resource.prepare_deletion()
[docs] def receive_reference(self, reference, object_resource=None, object_iri=None): self._tracker.receive_reference(reference, object_resource=object_resource, object_iri=object_iri)
[docs] def receive_reference_removal_notification(self, reference): self._tracker.receive_reference_removal_notification(reference)
[docs] def close(self): """Does nothing""" pass
def _sort_resources_to_update(self, resources_to_update): """ TODO: implement it seriously. Construct a dependency graph. The order is important when saving resources with temporary IDs. """ if len(resources_to_update) == 1: return resources_to_update graph = nx.DiGraph() for resource in resources_to_update: if resource not in graph: graph.add_node(resource) dependencies = self._tracker.get_dependencies(resource) for dep_resource in dependencies: if dep_resource not in graph: graph.add_node(dep_resource) # Inverse dependency edge graph.add_edge(dep_resource, resource) if is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph): return topological_sort(graph) else: self._logger.warn("Some resources are mutually dependent so cannot be sorted. \n" "This may cause problems when flushing new resources (with temporary IDs)" "to some stores.") return resources_to_update @staticmethod def _sort_stores(all_resources_to_update, all_resources_to_delete): """ TODO: explain. TODO: improve the implementation to throw an exception if the order cannot be enforced. """ stores = [] # Here the order matters for resource in all_resources_to_update: if not in stores: stores.append( # Probably the order does not really matters here for resource in all_resources_to_delete: if not in stores: stores.append( return stores
[docs]def cluster_by_store_and_status(resources_to_update, resources_to_delete): update_cluster = cluster_by_store(resources_to_update) delete_cluster = cluster_by_store(resources_to_delete) stores = update_cluster.keys() + delete_cluster.keys() return {store: (update_cluster[store], delete_cluster[store]) for store in stores}
[docs]def cluster_by_store(resources): cluster = defaultdict(list) for resource in resources: cluster[].append(resource) return cluster