Source code for

from uuid import uuid4

from rdflib import URIRef, RDF, RDFS

from oldman.core.vocabulary import OLDM_CORRESPONDING_CLASS

[docs]class HydraSchemaAdapter(object): """Updates some Hydra patterns in the schema graph: - hydra:Link: create a hydra:Class, subclass of the link range that support the same operations """
[docs] def update_schema_graph(self, graph): graph = graph.skolemize() graph = self._update_links(graph) return graph
@staticmethod def _update_links(graph): links = list(graph.subjects(RDF.type, URIRef(u""))) for link_property in links: new_class_iri = URIRef(u"http://localhost/.well-known/genid/link_class/%s" % uuid4()) graph.add((new_class_iri, RDF.type, URIRef(u""))) graph.add((link_property, URIRef(OLDM_CORRESPONDING_CLASS), new_class_iri)) # Ranges --> upper classes ranges = list(graph.objects(link_property, RDFS.range)) for range in ranges: graph.add((new_class_iri, RDFS.subClassOf, range)) # supported Operations supported_operation_property = URIRef(u"") operations = list(graph.objects(link_property, supported_operation_property)) for operation in operations: graph.add((new_class_iri, supported_operation_property, operation)) return graph