Source code for

from urlparse import urlparse
from uuid import uuid1

from oldman.core.common import is_blank_node, TEMPORARY_BNODE_PREFIX
from oldman.core.exception import OMRequiredHashlessIRIError, OMIriError, OMUnsupportedUserIRIError

[docs]class OMId: """TODO: explain why an ID object and not a simple IRI. An ID can be temporary. Immutable data structure. """ def __init__(self, iri, is_permanent): parse_result = urlparse(iri) if parse_result.scheme == '' or parse_result.path == '': # TODO: find a better exception raise OMIriError(u"Only IRI with a scheme and a path are accepted (IRI given: %s)" % iri) self._iri = iri self._is_permanent = is_permanent self._is_bnode = is_blank_node(self._iri) @property def iri(self): return self._iri @property def is_permanent(self): return self._is_permanent @property def is_blank_node(self): """TODO: explain """ return self._is_bnode @property def hashless_iri(self): """TODO: explain """ split_index = self._iri.find('#') if split_index == -1: return self._iri return self._iri[:split_index] @property def fragment(self): """TODO: explain """ split_index = self._iri.find('#') if split_index == -1: return "" return self._iri[split_index+1:] def __str__(self): return self._iri
[docs]class TemporaryId(OMId): """TODO: describe """ def __init__(self, suggested_hashless_iri=None, suggested_iri_fragment=None, collection_iri=None, can_remain_bnode=True): if suggested_hashless_iri is not None and collection_iri is not None: #TODO: find a better exception raise Exception("suggested_hashless_iri and collection_iri must not be given in the same time") # The temporary id must be blank node. In order to reuse the hashless iri, # it must correspond to a skolemized bnode. if suggested_hashless_iri is not None and is_blank_node(suggested_hashless_iri): hashless_iri = suggested_hashless_iri else: hashless_iri = None if suggested_iri_fragment is not None and hashless_iri is not None: iri = hashless_iri + "#" + suggested_iri_fragment elif hashless_iri is not None: iri = generate_iri_with_uuid_fragment(hashless_iri) else: iri = generate_uuid_iri(prefix=TEMPORARY_BNODE_PREFIX, fragment=suggested_iri_fragment) try: OMId.__init__(self, iri, False) except OMIriError, e: # Temporary Ids are only generated by the client side. More specific type returned. raise OMUnsupportedUserIRIError(e.message) self._can_remain_bnode = self._is_bnode and can_remain_bnode self._collection_iri = collection_iri self._suggested_hashless_iri = suggested_hashless_iri self._suggested_fragment = suggested_iri_fragment @property def suggested_hashless_iri(self): """TODO: explain """ return self._suggested_hashless_iri @property def suggested_fragment(self): """TODO: explain """ return self._suggested_fragment @property def collection_iri(self): return self._collection_iri @property def can_remain_bnode(self): """ Returns True if is currently a blank node and may remain it before being stored. """ return self._can_remain_bnode
[docs]class PermanentId(OMId): """TODO: explain """ def __init__(self, iri): OMId.__init__(self, iri, True)
[docs]def generate_iri_with_uuid_fragment(hashless_iri): """TODO: describe""" if hashless_iri is None: raise OMRequiredHashlessIRIError(u"Hash-less IRI is required to generate an IRI") if '#' in hashless_iri: raise OMRequiredHashlessIRIError(u"%s is not a valid hash-less IRI" % hashless_iri) return u"%s#%s" % (hashless_iri, uuid1().hex)
[docs]def generate_uuid_iri(prefix=u"http://localhost/.well-known/genid/", fragment=None): """TODO: describe""" hashless_iri = u"%s%s" % (prefix, uuid1().hex) if fragment is not None: return hashless_iri + "#" + fragment return hashless_iri