Source code for

from logging import getLogger

from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib.plugin import PluginException, plugins
from rdflib.serializer import Serializer
from negotiator import ContentNegotiator, ContentType, AcceptParameters

from .crud import HashLessCRUDer, JSON_TYPES
from oldman.core.vocabulary import HTTP_POST
from oldman.core.exception import OMResourceNotFoundException, OMNotAcceptableException
from oldman.core.exception import OMMethodNotAllowedException, OMBadRequestException, OMObjectNotFoundError

[docs]class HTTPController(object): """ HTTP. TODO: check declared methods (only GET and HEAD are implicit). """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = {'allow_put_new_type_existing_resource': False, 'allow_put_remove_type_existing_resource': False, 'allow_put_new_resource': True } def __init__(self, user_mediator, config={}): self._logger = getLogger(__name__) self._user_mediator = user_mediator # For operations except POST self._cruder = HashLessCRUDer(user_mediator) self._config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() self._config.update(config) self._negotiator = None self._init_content_negotiator() def _init_content_negotiator(self): #TODO: use config instead default_content_type = "application/ld+json" default_accept_params = AcceptParameters(ContentType(default_content_type)) # rdf types rdf_types = set([ for plugin in plugins(kind=Serializer) if "/" in]) #Blacklisted because mapped to TriX that requires a context-aware store blacklisted_types = ["application/xml"] #TODO: consider other types accepted_types = list(rdf_types.difference(blacklisted_types)) + ["application/json"] self._logger.debug("Accepted types: %s" % accepted_types) acceptable_params = [default_accept_params] + [AcceptParameters(ContentType(ct)) for ct in accepted_types] self._negotiator = ContentNegotiator(default_accept_params, acceptable_params)
[docs] def get(self, hashless_iri, accept_header="*/*", **kwargs): """ TODO: describe. No support declaration required. """ self._logger.debug("Accept header: %s" % accept_header) accepted_type = self._negotiator.negotiate(accept=accept_header) if accepted_type is None: raise OMNotAcceptableException() content_type = str(accepted_type.content_type) self._logger.debug("Selected content-type: %s" % content_type) try: return self._cruder.get(hashless_iri, content_type) except OMObjectNotFoundError: raise OMResourceNotFoundException()
[docs] def head(self, hashless_iri, **kwargs): """ TODO: describe. No support declaration required. """ #TODO: consider a more efficient implementation try: self._cruder.get(hashless_iri, None) except OMObjectNotFoundError: raise OMResourceNotFoundException()
[docs] def post(self, hashless_iri, content_type=None, payload=None, **kwargs): """ TODO: categorize the resource to decide what to do. Support declaration and implementation are required. """ if content_type is None: raise OMBadRequestException("Content type is required.") #if payload is None: # raise BadRequestException("No payload given.") # Must be its ID (we do not consider resources with hash IRIs) session = self._user_mediator.create_session() resource = session.get(iri=hashless_iri) if resource is None: raise OMResourceNotFoundException() operation = resource.get_operation(HTTP_POST) if operation is not None: graph = Graph() try: if content_type in JSON_TYPES: resource = session.first(hashless_iri=hashless_iri) graph.parse(data=payload, format="json-ld", publicID=hashless_iri, context=resource.context) else: graph.parse(data=payload, format=content_type, publicID=hashless_iri) except PluginException: raise OMNotAcceptableException() #TODO: add arguments result = operation(resource, graph=graph, content_type=content_type) session.close() return result #TODO: When error code is 405, alternatives must be given. raise OMMethodNotAllowedException()
[docs] def put(self, hashless_iri, content_type=None, payload=None, **kwargs): """ TODO: describe. No support declaration required. """ if content_type is None: raise OMBadRequestException("Content type is required.") if payload is None: raise OMBadRequestException("No payload given.") return self._cruder.update(self, hashless_iri, payload, content_type, allow_new_type=False, allow_type_removal=False, allow_put_new_resource=True)
[docs] def delete(self, hashless_iri, **kwargs): """ TODO: describe. No declaration required. """ self._cruder.delete(hashless_iri)
[docs] def options(self, hashless_iri, **kwargs): """ TODO: implement it """ raise NotImplementedError("")
[docs] def patch(self, hashless_iri, content_type=None, payload=None, **kwargs): """ TODO: implement it """ if content_type is None: raise OMBadRequestException("Content type is required.") if payload is None: raise OMBadRequestException("No payload given.") raise NotImplementedError("PATCH is not yet supported.")