Source code for oldman.client.model.model

from oldman.core.model.model import Model

[docs]class ClientModel(Model): """TODO: describe. TODO: further study this specific case. Contains methods for end-users (--> layer above the user mediator). """ @classmethod
[docs] def copy_store_model(cls, store_model, operations): """TODO: describe """ return ClientModel(, store_model.class_iri, store_model.ancestry_iris, store_model.context, store_model.om_attributes, local_context=store_model.local_context, operations=operations, accept_new_blank_nodes=store_model.accept_new_blank_nodes)
def __init__(self, name, class_iri, ancestry_iris, context, om_attributes, operations=None, local_context=None, accept_new_blank_nodes=False): Model.__init__(self, name, class_iri, ancestry_iris, context, om_attributes, accept_new_blank_nodes, local_context=local_context) self._operations = operations if operations is not None else {} self._operation_by_name = { op for op in self._operations.values() if is not None} # {method_name: ancestor_class_iri} self._method_inheritance = {} # {method_name: method} self._methods = {} @property def methods(self): """`dict` of Python functions that takes as first argument a :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. Keys are the method names. """ return dict(self._methods)
[docs] def get_operation(self, http_method): """TODO: describe""" return self._operations.get(http_method)
[docs] def get_operation_by_name(self, name): """TODO: describe""" return self._operation_by_name.get(name)
[docs] def declare_method(self, method, name, ancestor_class_iri): """TODO: describe. Not for end-users! """ if name in self._methods: # Before overriding, compare the positions previous_ancestor_iri = self._method_inheritance[name] previous_ancestor_pos = self._class_types.index(previous_ancestor_iri) new_ancestor_pos = self._class_types.index(ancestor_class_iri) if new_ancestor_pos > previous_ancestor_pos: # Too distant, cannot override self._logger.warn(u"Method %s of %s is ignored by %s." % (name, ancestor_class_iri, self._class_iri)) return self._logger.warn(u"Method %s of %s is overloaded for %s." % (name, ancestor_class_iri, self._class_iri)) self._method_inheritance[name] = ancestor_class_iri self._methods[name] = method
[docs] def new(self, session, iri=None, hashless_iri=None, collection_iri=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object without saving it. The `class_iri` attribute is added to the `types`. See :func:`` for more details. """ types, kwargs = self._update_kwargs_and_types(kwargs, include_ancestry=True) return, hashless_iri=hashless_iri, collection_iri=collection_iri, types=types, **kwargs)
[docs] def filter(self, session, hashless_iri=None, limit=None, eager=True, pre_cache_properties=None, **kwargs): """Finds the :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects matching the given criteria. The `class_iri` attribute is added to the `types`. See :func:`oldman.resource.finder.ResourceFinder.filter` for further details.""" types, kwargs = self._update_kwargs_and_types(kwargs) return session.filter(types=types, hashless_iri=hashless_iri, limit=limit, eager=eager, pre_cache_properties=pre_cache_properties, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, session, iri, eager_with_reversed_attributes=None): """Gets the first :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object matching the given criteria. The `class_iri` attribute is added to the `types`. Also looks if reversed attributes should be considered eagerly. See :func:`` for further details.""" types, _ = self._update_kwargs_and_types({}) if eager_with_reversed_attributes is None: eager_with_reversed_attributes = self._has_reversed_attributes return session.get(iri=iri, types=types, eager_with_reversed_attributes=eager_with_reversed_attributes)
[docs] def first(self, session, hashless_iri=None, eager_with_reversed_attributes=True, pre_cache_properties=None, **kwargs): """Finds the :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects matching the given criteria. The `class_iri` attribute is added to the `types`. See :func:`oldman.resource.finder.ResourceFinder.filter` for further details.""" types, kwargs = self._update_kwargs_and_types(kwargs) return session.first(types=types, hashless_iri=hashless_iri, eager_with_reversed_attributes=eager_with_reversed_attributes, pre_cache_properties=pre_cache_properties, **kwargs)
[docs] def all(self, session, limit=None, eager=False): """Finds every :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object that is instance of its RDFS class. :param limit: Upper bound on the number of solutions returned (SPARQL LIMIT). Positive integer. Defaults to `None`. :param eager: If `True` loads all the Resource objects within one single SPARQL query. Defaults to `False` (lazy). :return: A generator of :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects. """ return self.filter(session, types=[self._class_iri], limit=limit, eager=eager)
def _update_kwargs_and_types(self, kwargs, include_ancestry=False): types = list(self._class_types) if include_ancestry else [self._class_iri] if "types" in kwargs: new_types = kwargs.pop("types") types += [t for t in new_types if t not in types] return types, kwargs