Source code for oldman.utils.crud

from rdflib import RDF, URIRef, BNode

from oldman.exception import OMDifferentHashlessIRIError, OMForbiddenSkolemizedIRIError, OMClassInstanceError, OMInternalError
from oldman.resource.resource import Resource, is_blank_node

[docs]def extract_subjects(graph): subjects = set(graph.subjects()) # Non-skolemized blank nodes bnode_subjects = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, BNode), subjects) other_subjects = subjects.difference(bnode_subjects) return bnode_subjects, other_subjects
[docs]def create_blank_nodes(manager, graph, bnode_subjects, hashless_iri=None, collection_iri=None): """TODO: comment """ resources = [] # Only former b-nodes dependent_resources = [] _check_iris(hashless_iri, collection_iri) for bnode in bnode_subjects: types = {unicode(t) for t in graph.objects(bnode, RDF.type)} resource =, collection_iri=collection_iri, types=types) _alter_bnode_triples(graph, bnode, URIRef( resource.update_from_graph(graph, save=False) resources.append(resource) deps = {o for _, p, o in graph.triples((bnode, None, None)) if isinstance(o, BNode)} if len(deps) > 0: dependent_resources.append(resource) if (hashless_iri is not None) and (not resource.is_blank_node()) and resource.hashless_iri != hashless_iri: raise OMDifferentHashlessIRIError(u"%s is not the hash-less IRI of %s" % (hashless_iri, # When some Bnodes are interconnected for resource in dependent_resources: # Update again resource.update_from_graph(graph, save=False) return resources
[docs]def create_regular_resources(manager, graph, subjects, hashless_iri=None, collection_iri=None): """"TODO: comment """ resources = [] resources_to_update = [] for iri in [unicode(s) for s in subjects]: if is_blank_node(iri): raise OMForbiddenSkolemizedIRIError(u"Skolemized IRI like %s are not allowed when updating a resource." % iri) elif (hashless_iri is not None) and iri.split("#")[0] != hashless_iri: raise OMDifferentHashlessIRIError(u"%s is not the hash-less IRI of %s" % (hashless_iri, iri)) try: resource = manager.get(id=iri) resources_to_update.append(resource) except OMClassInstanceError: # New resource # TODO: what about IRI generation? resource = Resource.load_from_graph(manager, iri, graph, is_new=True) resources.append(resource) return resources, resources_to_update
def _alter_bnode_triples(graph, bnode, new_iri_ref): subject_triples = list(graph.triples((bnode, None, None))) for _, p, o in subject_triples: graph.remove((bnode, p, o)) graph.add((new_iri_ref, p, o)) object_triples = list(graph.triples((None, None, bnode))) for s, p, _ in object_triples: graph.remove((s, p, bnode)) graph.add((s, p, new_iri_ref)) def _check_iris(hashless_iri, collection_iri): if hashless_iri is not None and collection_iri is not None: raise OMInternalError("Only one of the variables hashless_iri and collection_iri must be given") elif hashless_iri is None and collection_iri is None: raise OMInternalError("One (and only one) of the variables hashless_iri and collection_iri must be given")