Source code for oldman.parsing.operation

import logging

from rdflib import URIRef

from oldman.vocabulary import HYDRA_RETURNS, OLDM_SHORTNAME
from oldman.model.operation import Operation

[docs]def get_operation_function(operation_functions, class_iri, ancestry, method): # The class first and its ancestors class_iris = [class_iri] + ancestry.parents(class_iri) for cls_iri in class_iris: method_functions = operation_functions.get(cls_iri, {}) func = method_functions.get(method) if func is not None: return func return None
[docs]class OperationExtractor(object): """ TODO: describe """
[docs] def extract(self, ancestry, schema_graph, operation_functions): """ TODO: describe """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs]class HydraOperationExtractor(OperationExtractor): """ TODO: describe """ # # PREDEFINED_OPERATION_FUNCTIONS = {'DELETE': Resource.delete, # 'PUT': Resource.update_from_graph} def __init__(self): self._operation_iris = None self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def extract(self, ancestry, schema_graph, operation_functions): """TODO: comment """ return self._extract_hydra_operations(ancestry, schema_graph, operation_functions)
def _extract_hydra_operations(self, ancestry, schema_graph, operation_functions): """ Extracts operations supported by Hydra classes. """ operations = {} # No schema, nothing to extract if schema_graph is None: return operations # Extracts the IRIs of the operations if needed if self._operation_iris is None: self._extract_operation_iris(schema_graph) # For each in the ancestry for class_iri in ancestry.bottom_up: cls_oper_iris = self._operation_iris.get(class_iri, []) # For each (operation + method), creates a new Operation object # if there is no operation for this method yet. for oper_iri in cls_oper_iris: operations = self._extract_hydra_operation(class_iri, ancestry, oper_iri, schema_graph, operation_functions, operations) return operations def _extract_operation_iris(self, schema_graph): self._operation_iris = {} for cls_iri, _, oper_iri in schema_graph.triples((None, URIRef(HYDRA_SUPPORTED_OPERATION), None)): class_iri = unicode(cls_iri) operation_iri = unicode(oper_iri) if class_iri not in self._operation_iris: self._operation_iris[class_iri] = [] self._operation_iris[class_iri].append(operation_iri) def _extract_hydra_operation(self, class_iri, ancestry, operation_iri, schema_graph, operation_functions, operations): """ TODO: describe """ operation_ref = URIRef(operation_iri) # Looks for its method(s) http_methods = {unicode(o) for o in schema_graph.objects(operation_ref, URIRef(HYDRA_METHOD))} # Expected type expected_types = {unicode(o) for o in schema_graph.objects(operation_ref, URIRef(HYDRA_EXCEPTS))} if len(expected_types) == 0: self._logger.warn("No expected type for operation %s of %s" % (http_methods, class_iri)) expected_type = None elif len(expected_types) > 1: #TODO: Check with the Hydra CG if it is a problem or not #TODO: find a better exception raise Exception("Multiple expected types for operation %s of %s" % (http_methods, class_iri)) else: expected_type = list(expected_types)[0] # Returned type returned_types = {unicode(o) for o in schema_graph.objects(operation_ref, URIRef(HYDRA_RETURNS))} if len(returned_types) == 0: self._logger.warn("No returned type for operation %s of %s" % (http_methods, class_iri)) returned_type = None elif len(returned_types) > 1: #TODO: Check with the Hydra CG if it is a problem or not #TODO: find a better exception raise Exception("Multiple returned types for operation %s of %s" % (http_methods, class_iri)) else: returned_type = list(returned_types)[0] # Name (optional) short_names = {unicode(o) for o in schema_graph.objects(operation_ref, URIRef(OLDM_SHORTNAME))} if len(short_names) == 0: shortname = None elif len(short_names) > 1: #TODO: find a better exception raise Exception("Multiple short names for operation %s of %s" % (http_methods, class_iri)) else: shortname = list(short_names)[0] # Only consider methods that are not already defined # (bottom-up first) for m in http_methods: method = m.upper() if method not in operations: # Get function func = get_operation_function(operation_functions, class_iri, ancestry, method) if func is None: continue # func = self.PREDEFINED_OPERATION_FUNCTIONS.get(method) # if func is None: # continue # New operation operations[method] = Operation(method, expected_type, returned_type, func, shortname) return operations