Source code for

import logging

from .attribute import OMAttributeMetadata, OMAttribute, ObjectOMAttribute
from oldman.exception import OMAlreadyDeclaredDatatypeError, OMPropertyDefTypeError, OMAttributeDefError
from oldman.exception import OMAlreadyGeneratedAttributeError, OMInternalError, OMPropertyDefError
from oldman.common import DATATYPE_PROPERTY, OBJECT_PROPERTY

[docs]class OMProperty(object): """An :class:`` object represents the support of a RDF property by a RDFS class. TODO: check this documentation after the removal of the resource_manager. It gathers some :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects (usually one). An :class:`` object is in charge of generating its :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects according to the metadata that has been extracted from the schema and JSON-LD context. A property can be reversed: the :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object to which the :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects will be (indirectly) attached is then the object of this property, not its subject (?o ?p ?s). Consequently, two :class:`` objects can refer to the same RDF property when one is reversed while the second is not. :param property_iri: IRI of the RDF property. :param supporter_class_iri: IRI of the RDFS class that supports the property. :param is_required: If `True` instances of the supporter class must assign a value to this property for being valid. Defaults to `False`. :param read_only: If `True`, the value of the property cannot be modified by a regular end-user. Defaults to `False`. :param write_only: If `True`, the value of the property cannot be read by a regular end-user. Defaults to `False`. :param reversed: If `True`, the property is reversed. Defaults to `False`. :param cardinality: Defaults to `None`. Not yet supported. :param property_type: String. In OWL, a property is either a DatatypeProperty or an ObjectProperty. Defaults to `None` (unknown). :param domains: Set of class IRIs that are declared as the RDFS domain of the property. Defaults to `set()`. :param ranges: Set of class IRIs that are declared as the RDFS range of the property. Defaults to `set()`. :param link_class_iri: TODO: describe. """ def __init__(self, property_iri, supporter_class_iri, is_required=False, read_only=False, write_only=False, reversed=False, cardinality=None, property_type=None, domains=None, ranges=None, link_class_iri=None): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._iri = property_iri self._supporter_class_iri = supporter_class_iri self._is_required = is_required if cardinality: raise NotImplementedError(u"Property cardinality is not yet supported") # 1, 42, "*", "+" self._cardinality = cardinality self._type = property_type self._ranges = set() self._domains = set() if read_only and write_only: raise OMPropertyDefError(u"Property %s cannot be read-only and write-only" % property_iri) self._read_only = read_only self._write_only = write_only self._reversed = reversed # Temporary list, before creating attributes self._tmp_attr_mds = [] self._om_attributes = None # When the property is a hydra:Link self._link_class_iri = link_class_iri if domains is not None: for domain in domains: self.add_domain(domain) if ranges is not None: for range in ranges: self.add_range(range) @property @property
[docs] def iri(self): """IRI of RDF property.""" return self._iri
@property def type(self): """The property can be a owl:DatatypeProperty (`"datatype"`) or an owl:ObjectProperty (`"object"`). Sometimes its type is unknown (`None`). """ return self._type @type.setter
[docs] def type(self, property_type): """ :param property_type: String value that is in {"datatype", "object", None} """ if self._type is not None: if self._type != property_type: raise OMPropertyDefTypeError(u"Already declared as %s so cannot also be a %s " % (self._type, property_type)) return self._type = property_type
[docs] def supporter_class_iri(self): """IRI of the RDFS class that supports the property.""" return self._supporter_class_iri
[docs] def is_required(self): """`True` if the property is required.""" return self._is_required
[docs] def is_read_only(self): """`True` if the property cannot be modified by regular end-users.""" return self._read_only
[docs] def is_write_only(self): """`True` if the property cannot be accessed by regular end-users.""" return self._write_only
[docs] def reversed(self): """`True` if the property is reversed (?o ?p ?s).""" return self._reversed
[docs] def declare_is_required(self): """Makes the property be required. Is irreversible.""" self._is_required = True
[docs] def ranges(self): """Set of class IRIs that are declared as the RDFS range of the property.""" return self._ranges
[docs] def add_range(self, p_range): """Declares a RDFS class as part of the range of the property. :param p_range: IRI of RDFS class. """ # Detects XSD if p_range.startswith(u""): self.type = DATATYPE_PROPERTY if (self.type == DATATYPE_PROPERTY) and (p_range not in self._ranges) and (len(self._ranges) >= 1): raise OMAlreadyDeclaredDatatypeError(u"Property datatype can only be specified once") self._ranges.add(p_range)
[docs] def domains(self): """Set of class IRIs that are declared as the RDFS domain of the property.""" return self._domains
[docs] def add_domain(self, domain): """Declares a RDFS class as part of the domain of the property. :param domain: IRI of RDFS class. """ # Detects XSD if domain.startswith(u""): #TODO: find a better error type raise Exception(u"Domain cannot have a literal datatype") self._domains.add(domain)
[docs] def default_datatype(self): """IRI that is the default datatype of the property. May be `None` (if not defined or if the property is an owl:ObjectProperty) """ if self._type == DATATYPE_PROPERTY and len(self._ranges) >= 1: # Should be one return list(self._ranges)[0] return None
[docs] def om_attributes(self): """Set of :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects that depends on this property. """ if self._om_attributes is None: raise OMInternalError(u"Please generate them before accessing this attribute") return self._om_attributes
[docs] def add_attribute_metadata(self, name, jsonld_type=None, language=None, container=None, reversed=False): """Adds metadata about a future :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` object. :param name: JSON-LD term representing the attribute. :param jsonld_type: JSON-LD type (datatype IRI or JSON-LD keyword). Defaults to `None`. :param language: Defaults to `None`. :param container: JSON-LD container (`"@set"`, `"@list"`, `"@language"` or `"@index"`). Defaults to `None`. :param reversed: `True` if the object and subject in RDF triples should be reversed. Defaults to `False`. """ if self._om_attributes: raise OMAlreadyGeneratedAttributeError(u"It is too late to add attribute metadata") if self._reversed is not reversed: raise OMInternalError(u"The property %s or the attribute %s is reversed while the latter is not" % (self._iri, name)) if jsonld_type: if jsonld_type == "@id": self.type = OBJECT_PROPERTY else: self.type = DATATYPE_PROPERTY if (not jsonld_type in self._ranges) and len(self._ranges) >= 1: raise OMAlreadyDeclaredDatatypeError(u"Attribute %s cannot have a different datatype" u"(%s) than the property's one (%s)" % (name, jsonld_type, list(self._ranges)[0])) # If no datatype defined, use the property one else: if language is None: self._logger.warn(u"No datatype defined in the JSON-LD context for the attribute %s" % name) #(harder to parse for a JSON-LD client) if self.type == OBJECT_PROPERTY: jsonld_type = "@id" elif self.type == DATATYPE_PROPERTY: jsonld_type = self.default_datatype elif language is None: self._logger.warn(u"Untyped attribute %s (no range, no JSON-LD value). Presumed an object property." % name) jsonld_type = "@id" if len([md for md in self._tmp_attr_mds if == name]) > 0: raise OMInternalError(u"Multiple attribute named %s" % name) self._tmp_attr_mds.append(OMAttributeMetadata(name, self, language, jsonld_type, container, reversed))
[docs] def generate_attributes(self, attr_format_selector): """Generates its :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects. Can be called only once. When called a second time, raises an :class:`~oldman.exception.OMAlreadyGeneratedAttributeError` exception. :param attr_format_selector: :class:`~oldman.parsing.schema.attribute.ValueFormatSelector` object. """ if self._om_attributes: raise OMAlreadyGeneratedAttributeError() self._om_attributes = set() for md in self._tmp_attr_mds: value_format = attr_format_selector.find_value_format(md) attr_cls = ObjectOMAttribute if self._type == OBJECT_PROPERTY else OMAttribute self._om_attributes.add(attr_cls(md, value_format)) # Clears mds self._tmp_attr_mds = []