Source code for oldman.model.attribute

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from rdflib import Literal

from oldman.exception import OMAttributeTypeCheckError, OMRequiredPropertyError, OMReadOnlyAttributeError, OMEditError
from oldman.parsing.value import AttributeValueExtractor
from oldman.validation.value_format import ValueFormatError
from oldman.iri import _skolemize

OMAttributeMetadata = namedtuple("OMAttributeMetadata", ["name", "property", "language", "jsonld_type",
                                                         "container", "reversed"])

[docs]class OMAttribute(object): """An :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` object corresponds to a JSON-LD term that refers to a RDF property. TODO: update the documentation. No direct access to the resource_manager anymore (indirect through the resource). Technically, the name of the :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` object is a JSON-LD term, namely *"a short-hand string that expands to an IRI or a blank node identifier"* (cf. `the JSON-LD standard <>`_) which corresponds here to a RDF property (see :class:``). In JSON-LD, the same RDF property may correspond to multiple JSON-LD terms that have different metadata. For instance, a foaf:Person resource may have two attributes for its bio in English and in French. These attributes have two different languages but use the same property `bio:olb`. Look at the quickstart example to see it in practice. An :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` object manages the values of every :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object that depends on a given :class:`~oldman.model.Model` object. Each value may be : - `None`; - The Python equivalent for a RDF literal (double, string, date, etc.); - An IRI; - A collection (set, list and dict) of these types. :param metadata: :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttributeMetadata` object. :param value_format: :class:`~oldman.validation.value_format.ValueFormat` object that validates the format of values and converts RDF values into regular Python objects. """ _CONTAINER_REQUIREMENTS = {'@set': set, '@list': list, '@language': dict, # '@index': dict, None: object} def __init__(self, metadata, value_format): self._metadata = metadata self._value_format = value_format self._entries = WeakKeyDictionary() self._value_extractor = AttributeValueExtractor(self) # TODO: support "@index" if self.container not in [None, "@set", "@list", "@language"]: raise NotImplementedError(u"Container %s is not yet supported" % self.container) @property
[docs] def is_required(self): """`True` if its property is required.""" return
[docs] def is_read_only(self): """`True` if the property cannot be modified by regular end-users.""" return
[docs] def is_write_only(self): """`True` if the property cannot be accessed by regular end-users.""" return
[docs] def om_property(self): """:class:`` to which it belongs.""" return
[docs] def name(self): """Its name as an attribute.""" return
[docs] def language(self): """Its language if localized.""" return self._metadata.language
[docs] def jsonld_type(self): """JSON-LD type (datatype IRI or JSON-LD keyword). May be `None`.""" return self._metadata.jsonld_type
[docs] def reversed(self): """`True` if the object and subject in RDF triples should be reversed.""" return self._metadata.reversed
[docs] def other_attributes(self): """ Other :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` objects of the same property.""" return self.om_property.om_attributes.difference([self])
[docs] def container(self): """JSON-LD container (`"@set"`, `"@list"`, `"@language"` or `"@index"`). May be `None`. """ return self._metadata.container
[docs] def value_format(self): """:class:`~oldman.validation.value_format.ValueFormat` object that validates the format of values and converts RDF values into regular Python objects. """ return self._value_format
[docs] def is_valid(self, resource, is_end_user=True): """Tests if the attribute value assigned to a resource is valid. See :func:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute.check_validity` for further details. :return: `False` if the value assigned to the resource is invalid and `True` otherwise. """ try: self.check_validity(resource, is_end_user) return True except OMEditError: return False
[docs] def check_validity(self, resource, is_end_user=True): """Raises an :class:`~oldman.exception.OMEditError` exception if the attribute value assigned to a resource is invalid. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :param is_end_user: `False` when an authorized user (not a regular end-user) wants to force some rights. Defaults to `True`. """ self._check_local_constraints(resource, is_end_user) self._check_requirement(resource)
def _check_local_constraints(self, resource, is_end_user): # Read-only constraint if is_end_user and self.is_read_only and self.has_changed(resource): raise OMReadOnlyAttributeError(u"Attribute %s is not editable by end-users" % def _check_requirement(self, resource): """A required property has to be provided by at least one of its attributes.""" if (not self.om_property.is_required) or self.has_value(resource): return for other in self.other_attributes: if other.has_value(resource): return raise OMRequiredPropertyError(
[docs] def has_value(self, resource): """Tests if the resource attribute has a non-None value. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :return: `False` if the value is `None`. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource) return (entry is not None) and (entry.current_value is not None)
[docs] def has_changed(self, resource): """ :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource) return (entry is not None) and entry.has_changed()
[docs] def diff(self, resource): """Gets out the former value that has been replaced. TODO: update this comment :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :return: The former and new attribute values. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource) if entry is None: #TODO: throw a more precise exception raise Exception("No diff available for attribute %s of %s" % (, return entry.diff()
[docs] def receive_storage_ack(self, resource): """Clears the former value that has been replaced. TODO: update this description. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource) if entry is not None: entry.receive_storage_ack()
[docs] def to_nt(self, resource): """Converts its current attribute value to N-Triples (NT) triples. Relies on :func:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute.value_to_nt`. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :return: N-Triples serialization of its attribute value. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource, None) value = entry.current_value if entry is not None else None return self.value_to_nt(value)
[docs] def value_to_nt(self, value): """Converts value(s) to N-Triples (NT) triples. :param value: Value of property. :return: N-Triples serialization of this value. """ if value is None: return "" vs = value if isinstance(value, (list, set, dict)) else [value] if isinstance(vs, dict): converted_values = [self._encode_value(v, language) for language, v in vs.iteritems()] else: converted_values = [self._encode_value(v) for v in vs] property_uri = self.om_property.iri lines = "" if self.container == "@list": # list_value = u"( " + u" ".join(converted_values) + u" )" # List with skolemized nodes first_node = "<%s>" % _skolemize() node = first_node for v in converted_values: lines += u' %s rdf:first %s .\n' % (node, v) previous_node = node node = "<%s>" % _skolemize() lines += u' %s rdf:rest %s .\n' % (previous_node, node) lines += u' %s rdf:rest rdf:nil .\n' % node serialized_values = [first_node] else: serialized_values = converted_values if self.reversed: for v in serialized_values: assert(v.startswith(u"<") and v.endswith(u">")) lines += u' %s <%s> %s .\n' % (v, property_uri, u"{0}") else: for v in serialized_values: lines += u' %s <%s> %s .\n' % (u"{0}", property_uri, v) return lines
[docs] def update_from_graph(self, resource, sub_graph, initial=False): """Updates a resource attribute value by extracting the relevant information from a RDF graph. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :param sub_graph: :class:`rdflib.Graph` object containing the value to extract. :param initial: `True` when the value is directly from the datastore. Defaults to `False`. """ values = self._value_extractor.extract_value(resource, sub_graph) setattr(resource,, values) if initial: # Clears "None" former value self.receive_storage_ack(resource)
def _encode_value(self, value, language=None): """Encodes an atomic value into a N-Triples line. :param value: Atomic value. :param language: language code. Defaults to `None`. :return: N-Triples triple. """ jsonld_type = self.jsonld_type if language is None: language = self.language if jsonld_type == "@id": return u"<%s>" % value elif language: return u'"%s"@%s' % (Literal(value), language) elif jsonld_type: return u'"%s"^^<%s>' % (Literal(value), jsonld_type) # Should we really define unknown types as string? else: raise NotImplementedError(u"Untyped JSON-LD value are not (yet?) supported")
[docs] def get(self, resource): """Gets the attribute value of a resource. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :return: Atomic value or a generator. """ entry = self._entries.get(resource) #TODO: should we throw an exception? if entry is None: return None return entry.current_value
[docs] def get_lightly(self, resource): """Gets the attribute value of a resource in a lightweight manner. By default, behaves exactly like :func:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute.get`. See the latter function for further details. """ return OMAttribute.get(self, resource)
[docs] def set(self, resource, value): """Sets the attribute value of a resource. :param resource: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object. :param value: Its value for this attribute. """ # Even if None self.check_value(value) # Empty container -> None if isinstance(value, (list, set, dict)) and len(value) == 0: value = None entry = self._entries.get(resource) if entry is None: entry = Entry() self._entries[resource] = entry entry.current_value = value
[docs] def check_value(self, value): """Checks a new **when assigned**. Raises an :class:`oldman.exception.OMAttributeTypeCheckError` exception if the value is invalid. :param value: collection or atomic value. """ # None value are always allowed # (at assignment time) if value is None: return required_container_type = OMAttribute._CONTAINER_REQUIREMENTS[self.container] if not isinstance(value, required_container_type): raise OMAttributeTypeCheckError(u"A container (%s) was expected instead of %s" % (required_container_type, type(value))) try: if isinstance(value, (list, set, dict)): self._check_container(value) else: self._value_format.check_value(value) except ValueFormatError as e: raise OMAttributeTypeCheckError(unicode(e))
[docs] def get_entry(self, resource): """TODO: describe. Clearly not for end-users!!! """ return self._entries.get(resource)
[docs] def set_entry(self, resource, entry): """TODO: describe. Clearly not for end-users!!! """ # Validation if entry.has_changed(): former_value, new_value = entry.diff() self.check_value(former_value) self.check_value(new_value) else: self.check_value(entry.current_value) self._entries[resource] = entry
def _check_container(self, value): """Checks that container used is authorized and its items are formatted properly. May raise a :class:`oldman.exception.OMAttributeTypeCheckError` or a :class:`oldman.exception.ValueFormatError` exception. :param value: collection of atomic items. """ if not self.container: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warn("No container declared for %s" % # List declaration is required (default: set) # TODO: what about dict? if isinstance(value, list): raise OMAttributeTypeCheckError(u"Undeclared list %s assigned to %s ." u"For using a list, '@container': '@list' must be declared" u"in the JSON-LD context." % (value, vs = value.values() if isinstance(value, dict) else value for v in vs: self._value_format.check_value(v)
[docs]class ObjectOMAttribute(OMAttribute): """An :class:`~oldman.attribute.ObjectOMAttribute` object is an :class:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute` object that depends on an owl:ObjectProperty. """ def __init__(self, metadata, value_format): OMAttribute.__init__(self, metadata, value_format)
[docs] def get(self, resource): """See :func:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute.get`. :return: :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object or a generator of :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects. """ iris = OMAttribute.get(self, resource) if isinstance(iris, (list, set)): # Returns a generator return (resource.get_related_resource(id=iri) for iri in iris) elif isinstance(iris, dict): raise NotImplementedError(u"Should we implement it?") elif iris is not None: return resource.get_related_resource(id=iris) else: return None
[docs] def get_lightly(self, resource): """Gets the attribute value of a resource in a lightweight manner. By contrast with :func:`~oldman.attribute.ObjectOMAttribute.get` only IRIs are returned, not :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects. :return: An IRI, a list or a set of IRIs or `None`. """ return OMAttribute.get(self, resource)
[docs] def set(self, resource, value): """See :func:`~oldman.attribute.OMAttribute.set`. Accepts :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object(s) or IRI(s). """ from oldman.resource.resource import Resource f = lambda x: if isinstance(x, Resource) else x if isinstance(value, set): values = {f(v) for v in value} elif isinstance(value, list): values = [f(v) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, dict): if self.container == "@index": raise NotImplementedError(u"Index maps are not yet supported") else: raise OMAttributeTypeCheckError(u"Index maps must be declared. Other dict structures " u"are not supported for objects.") else: values = f(value) OMAttribute.set(self, resource, values)
[docs]class Entry(object): """ Mutable. TODO: describe """ def __init__(self, saved_value=None): self._former_value = saved_value self._current_value = saved_value
[docs] def clone(self): new_entry = Entry(self._clone_value(self._former_value)) new_entry.current_value = self._current_value return new_entry
@property def current_value(self): return self._clone_value(self._current_value) @current_value.setter
[docs] def current_value(self, new_value): self._current_value = self._clone_value(new_value)
[docs] def has_changed(self): """ True if the value differs from the stored one """ if self._former_value is None and self._current_value is not None: return True return self._former_value != self._current_value
[docs] def diff(self): """TODO: explain """ #TODO: find a better exception if not self.has_changed(): raise Exception("No diff") return self._clone_value(self._former_value), self._clone_value(self._current_value)
[docs] def receive_storage_ack(self): """TODO: explain """ self._former_value = self._current_value
@staticmethod def _clone_value(value): if isinstance(value, set): return set(value) if isinstance(value, list): return list(value) if isinstance(value, dict): return dict(value) return value