Source code for oldman.iri

from uuid import uuid1
from .exception import OMDataStoreError, OMRequiredHashlessIRIError

[docs]class IriGenerator(object): """An :class:`~oldman.iri.IriGenerator` object generates the IRIs of some new :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generates an IRI. :return: Unique IRI (unicode string). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PrefixedUUIDIriGenerator(IriGenerator): """Uses a prefix, a fragment and a unique UUID1 number to generate IRIs. Recommended generator because UUID1 is robust and fast (no DB access). :param prefix: IRI prefix. :param fragment: IRI fragment to append to the hash-less IRI. Defaults to `None`. """ def __init__(self, prefix, fragment=None): self._prefix = prefix self._fragment = fragment
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """See :func:`oldman.iri.IriGenerator.generate`.""" partial_iri = _skolemize(prefix=self._prefix) if self._fragment is not None: return u"%s#%s" % (partial_iri, self._fragment) return partial_iri
[docs]class BlankNodeIriGenerator(PrefixedUUIDIriGenerator): """Generates skolem IRIs that denote blank nodes. :param hostname: Defaults to `"localhost"`. """ def __init__(self, hostname=u"localhost"): prefix = u"http://%s/.well-known/genid/" % hostname PrefixedUUIDIriGenerator.__init__(self, prefix=prefix)
[docs]class IncrementalIriGenerator(IriGenerator): """Generates IRIs with short numbers. Beautiful but **slow** in concurrent settings. The number generation implies a critical section and a sequence of two SPARQL requests, which represents a significant bottleneck. :param prefix: IRI prefix. :param graph: :class:`rdflib.Graph` object where to store the counter. :param class_iri: IRI of the RDFS class of which new :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` objects are instance of. Usually corresponds to the class IRI of the :class:`~oldman.model.Model` object that owns this generator. :param fragment: IRI fragment to append to the hash-less IRI. Defaults to `None`. """ def __init__(self, prefix, data_store, class_iri, fragment=None): self._prefix = prefix self._data_store = data_store self._class_iri = class_iri self._fragment = fragment self._data_store.check_and_repair_counter(class_iri)
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """See :func:`oldman.iri.IriGenerator.generate`.""" number = self._data_store.generate_instance_number(self._class_iri) partial_iri = u"%s%d" % (self._prefix, number) if self._fragment is not None: return u"%s#%s" % (partial_iri, self._fragment) return partial_iri
[docs] def reset_counter(self): """ For test purposes only """ self._data_store.reset_instance_counter(self._class_iri)
[docs]class UUIDFragmentIriGenerator(IriGenerator): """Generates an hashed IRI from a hash-less IRI. Its fragment is a unique UUID1 number. """
[docs] def generate(self, hashless_iri, **kwargs): """See :func:`oldman.iri.IriGenerator.generate`.""" if hashless_iri is None: raise OMRequiredHashlessIRIError(u"Hash-less IRI is required to generate an IRI") if '#' in hashless_iri: raise OMRequiredHashlessIRIError(u"%s is not a valid hash-less IRI" % hashless_iri) return u"%s#%s" % (hashless_iri, uuid1().hex)
def _skolemize(prefix=u"http://localhost/.well-known/genid/"): return u"%s%s" % (prefix, uuid1().hex)