
Model creation

First, let’s import some functions and classes:

from rdflib import Graph
from oldman import ResourceManager, parse_graph_safely, SPARQLDataStore

and create the RDF graph schema_graph that will contain our schema:

schema_graph = Graph()

The data graph is where we store the data that we generate. By default, it stores data in memory.

The role of the schema graph is to contain most of the domain logic necessary to build our models. In this example, we load it from a RDF file:

schema_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldm/OldMan/master/examples/quickstart_schema.ttl"
parse_graph_safely(schema_graph, schema_url, format="turtle")

Another main piece of the domain logic is found in the JSON-LD context. Here, we just need its IRI:

context_iri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldm/OldMan/master/examples/quickstart_context.jsonld"

We now have almost enough domain knowledge to create our models.

But first of all, we have to decide where to store our data. Here we create an in-memory RDF graph and use it as a SPARQL endpoint (SPARQLDataStore):

data_graph = Graph()
data_store = SPARQLDataStore(data_graph)

We extract the prefix information from the schema graph:


Then we instantiate the central object of this framework, the ResourceManager object. Basically, it creates Model objects and offers convenient method to retrieve and create Resource objects:

manager = ResourceManager(schema_graph, data_store)

Finally, we create our LocalPerson Model object. For that, we need:

  • The IRI or a JSON-LD term of the RDFS class of the model. Here “LocalPerson” is an alias for http://example.org/myvoc#LocalPerson defined in the context file ;

  • The JSON-LD context;

  • A prefix for creating the IRI of new resources (optional) ;

  • An IRI fragment (optional);

  • To declare that we want to generate incremental IRIs with short numbers for new Resource objects.

    lp_model = manager.create_model("LocalPerson", context_iri,
                                    iri_fragment="me", incremental_iri=True)

Resource editing

Now that the domain logic has been declared, we can create Resource objects for two persons, Alice and Bob:

alice = lp_model.create(name="Alice", emails={"alice@example.org"},
                        short_bio_en="I am ...")
bob = lp_model.new(name="Bob", blog="http://blog.example.com/",
                   short_bio_fr=u"J'ai grandi en ... .")

Alice is already stored in the data_store but not Bob. Actually, it cannot be saved yet because some information is still missing: its email addresses. This information is required by our domain logic. Let’s satisfy this constraint and save Bob:

>>> bob.is_valid()
>>> bob.emails = {"bob@localhost", "bob@example.org"}
>>> bob.is_valid()
>>> bob.save()

Let’s now declare that they are friends:

alice.friends = {bob}
bob.friends = {alice}

That’s it. Have you seen many IRIs? Only one, for the blog. Let’s look at them:

>>> alice.id
>>> bob.id
>>> bob.types
[u'http://example.org/myvoc#LocalPerson', u'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person']

and at some other attributes:

>>> alice.name
>>> bob.emails
set(['bob@example.org', 'bob@localhost'])
>>> bob.short_bio_en
>>> bob.short_bio_fr
u"J'ai grandi en ... ."

We can assign an IRI when creating a Resource object:

>>> john_iri = "http://example.org/john#me"
>>> john = lp_model.create(id=john_iri, name="John", emails={"john@example.org"})
>>> john.id

Resource retrieval

By default, resource are not cached. We can retrieve Alice and Bob from the data graph as follows:

>>> alice_iri = alice.id
>>> # First person found named Bob
>>> bob = lp_model.get(name="Bob")
>>> alice = lp_model.get(id=alice_iri)

>>> # Or retrieve her as the unique friend of Bob
>>> alice = list(bob.friends)[0]
>>> alice.name

Finds all the persons:

>>> set(lp_model.all())
set([Resource(<http://example.org/john#me>), Resource(<http://localhost/persons/2#me>), Resource(<http://localhost/persons/1#me>)])
>>> # Equivalent to
>>> set(lp_model.filter())
set([Resource(<http://localhost/persons/1#me>), Resource(<http://localhost/persons/2#me>), Resource(<http://example.org/john#me>)])



>>> print alice.to_json()
  "emails": [
  "friends": [
  "id": "http://localhost/persons/1#me",
  "name": "Alice",
  "short_bio_en": "I am ...",
  "types": [


>>> print john.to_jsonld()
  "@context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldm/OldMan/master/examples/quickstart_context.jsonld",
  "emails": [
  "id": "http://example.org/john#me",
  "name": "John",
  "types": [


>>> print bob.to_rdf("turtle")
@prefix bio: <http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix myvoc: <http://example.org/myvoc#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

<http://localhost/persons/2#me> a myvoc:LocalPerson,
        foaf:Person ;
    bio:olb "J'ai grandi en ... ."@fr ;
    foaf:knows <http://localhost/persons/1#me> ;
    foaf:mbox "bob@example.org"^^xsd:string,
        "bob@localhost"^^xsd:string ;
    foaf:name "Bob"^^xsd:string ;
    foaf:weblog <http://blog.example.com/> .


Validation is also there:

>>> # Email is required
>>> lp_model.create(name="Jack")
oldman.exception.OMRequiredPropertyError: emails

>>> #Invalid email
>>> bob.emails = {'you_wont_email_me'}
oldman.exception.OMAttributeTypeCheckError: you_wont_email_me is not a valid email (bad format)

>>> # Not a set
>>> bob.emails = "bob@example.com"
oldman.exception.OMAttributeTypeCheckError: A container (<type 'set'>) was expected instead of <type 'str'>

>>> #Invalid name
>>> bob.name = 5
oldman.exception.OMAttributeTypeCheckError: 5 is not a (<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>)

Domain logic

Here is the declared domain logic that we used:

JSON-LD context https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldm/OldMan/master/examples/quickstart_context.jsonld:

  "@context": {
    "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
    "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
    "bio": "http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/",
    "myvoc": "http://example.org/myvoc#",
    "Person": "foaf:Person",
    "LocalPerson": "myvoc:LocalPerson",
    "id": "@id",
    "types": "@type",
    "friends": {
      "@id": "foaf:knows",
      "@type": "@id",
      "@container": "@set"
    "short_bio_fr": {
      "@id": "bio:olb",
      "@language": "fr"
    "name": {
      "@id": "foaf:name",
      "@type": "xsd:string"
    "emails": {
      "@id": "foaf:mbox",
      "@type": "xsd:string",
      "@container": "@set"
    "blog": {
      "@id": "foaf:weblog",
      "@type": "@id"
    "short_bio_en": {
      "@id": "bio:olb",
      "@language": "en"

Schema (uses the Hydra vocabulary) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oldm/OldMan/master/examples/quickstart_schema.ttl:

@prefix bio: <http://purl.org/vocab/bio/0.1/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix hydra: <http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/core#> .
@prefix myvoc: <http://example.org/myvoc#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

# Properties that may be given to a foaf:Person (no requirement)
foaf:Person a hydra:Class ;
    hydra:supportedProperty [ hydra:property foaf:mbox ],
        [ hydra:property foaf:weblog ],
        [ hydra:property foaf:name ],
        [ hydra:property bio:olb ],
        [ hydra:property foaf:knows ].

# Local version of a Person with requirements
myvoc:LocalPerson a hydra:Class ;
    rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person ;
    hydra:supportedProperty [ hydra:property foaf:mbox ;
            hydra:required true ],
        [ hydra:property foaf:name ;
            hydra:required true ].